Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brock's Basic Military Training graduation trip

Waiting for our flight to San Antonio to go see Brock graduate from Basic Military Training - Wed. evening The awesome sunset that we saw while we waited
The Airman's Run which took place on Thursday - all the people lining the street to see their Airman
The Airmen run by in their flights singing their "jodies" or songs that each flight had made up
This is Brock's flight - he's in the second row, second guy
Brock's flight marching in for the coin ceremony
This was the first time that Brock saw us. I made him smile because I was waving at him.
After the coin ceremony and the first time I got to hug him.
Brock and his proud Dad after the coin ceremony Brock's Airman's coin
Brock relaxing
Passing the time playing pool
Brock's flight on graduation day- Friday, November 13, 2009 - it was foggy that morning
Brock's Training Instructor
The beginning of Brock's flight
The rest of Brock's flight with him in the back
Brock in the back row - 3rd from the left
Brock's graduating classSwearing of the oath to be an airman
My Airman!
My favorite picture - he's so happy to be done!
Brock and his sister
Brock pinning Don with his "proud parent" pin Brock putting my pin on
Waiting to go in to his dorm for "open house"
Brock's flight's guide-on or flag and the ribbons that they earned
Brock's bed
Brock's wall locker
Brock's security drawer
The inside of Brock's dorm Brock enjoying Heather's homemade cookies
Brock crashed out - he was so exahusted
At the San Antonio Rampage Hockey game on Friday night
The singing of the National Anthem
We went to a semi-pro hockey game - the San Antonio Rampage vs. Chicago Wolves. San Antonio lost 4-2 Look at the players jersey. We thought it was neat that his name was close to ours...
We went to Sea World on Sat. Brock got in free and this was at a military apprecation picnic that they had.
Waiting for the seal show to start
Telling my son good-bye on Sunday evening Brock and his Dad and that final hug...
MY SON - A U.S. Air Force Airman!!!
Brock going to his dorm


matannjess said...

looks like a great trip! Congrataulations to Brock and the family. Im sure you are proud.

Jayme said...

Can't believe that is the little boy I used to babysit. Way to go Brock!!